8. november 2010

Saturday night fever – Day 8 - November 6th 2010
Life is a party – especially on a Saturday. With the group of now 1 week old friends we were perfectly shaked together for the big night. First though we had a perfect warm up: chilling out by the beach of Cantenas in Las Palmas the whole afternoon, swimming (my Sanyo camera is not a virgin to water anymore;) licking up the sun, semisleeping a bit and just  watch life on the beach if you know what I mean… Like the situation which somehow reminded me of a scene in the James Bond movie “Die another day”, where Halle Berry walks out the water in Cuba in an orange bikini – gorgeous moment in the movie. Reality here though was a topless mama slowly marching up from the waves which she probably done the last 60 years – nothing wrong with that. But it did not have to be like that.. right in front of my eyes It was cruel! Ctrl-Alt-Delete; my memory will stick with Halle!! :)

Best of 007

After the whole afternoon chilling together catching some tan I came back to the email from Sheilah confirming my email with my confirmation I did send in the morning. I went straight to the supermarket and bought some champagne for the evening.
Now we were ready for some drinking I discovered that my Swedish 007 friend was positive that he could take me down in drinking. Actually so self assure that he on Facebook posted “tonight I will show the Dane how to drink and where the closet should be placed” (the closet thing I guess is a Scandinavian thing symbolizing who is in command and controlling the situation).  There were just two factors the dear Swede did not count in. Cause not only was he challenging a Viking fighting Dane, he also picked the one wearing both a black belt in Taekwondo and drinking – I guess 2 seasons on the Island of Kos, Greece as travel and party guide doing several pub crawls, and foam parties a week does make you stronger. Poor Sweden did not have any clue what he was going to face;) Of course we also in the most friendly and funny way as brothers being Scandinavian neighbors mandatorily had to play with our national muscles. I know and admit that Denmark sidewise is in the smaller league of the world countries but many forget to realize that we in the past also size wise was huge. Both in the time of the Vikings actually discovering America long time before Columbus and conqueror of northern Germany, England, US Virgin Islands, some eastern territories, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Estonia, Norway and SWEDEN!! Quite a paradox that we then in the end finish being such a small country. However it’s not the size but the heavy duty that counts right! As brother Sweden did not recognize this I at some point had to verbally show him where to sit down and therefore decided to touch ground with the mother of all national feelings; the flag. I announced that Sweden did not deserve the cross in their flag – should just be blue with some yellow spots:) It apparently was bulls eye as when he managed to stop laughing raised the white flag and stated that this was his greatest insult he had in his life! It was a proud moment:). Now we had that settled we could continue drinking and so we did. Beers mixed with wine and the other way around (even though we had the German girl trying to kindly help us out with: “beer auf wine lass das sein”) and I popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate my assignment with the Afriki.
Suddenly it was 1 o’clock and we had to move downtown – first hitting the Habana Club bar which I also visited when I arrived last Saturday. We had to indulge ourselves in a “little” caipirinha – just to prove to the others that you were all in. By that time only the very tough part of the Hostel group was left; Sweden, Germany, Holland and Denmark. To show mercy on Holland we decided to obey some dutch beers in the Heineken Bar. Pretty undercover “bar”. It was a hard pumping disco, full of vibrating life and a happy young crowd including 2 lesbian girls who were ALL over each other. We got a perfect spot on the corner of the bar where you could watch things like this and stare at dancing persons on the first floor. Here is where you need to do back up on your memory as recording often seem to be gone the day after the day.
Get yourself to Day 9…

This all took place on our beloved rooftop terrace in the hostel. Award winning atmosphere and company. Italy, Denmark, Bulgaria, Sweden, USA and Germany represented here.

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