11. november 2010

Going on board, Day 10, November 8th 2010
I had a big time heavy walk down to the port – 90L of back pack on my back, breaking point stuffed hand bag in the front and two plastic bags with food & wine. I was heavy loaded indeed.  Reaching Afriki, Sheila and Gunnar, I installed myself in the front of the ship and was served coffee and cakes. The atmosphere was just as good and relaxed as the first day I met them and Gunnar even pointed out that contrary of what we sailors often have to face which is the fact that we actually pay for working on board and having the honor to go with a boat, he actually wanted to pay me! However that was just totally against my expectations so we concluded that we just would keep it even then. It isn’t a crucial point as good company and chemistry is but it filled me with respect and honor.
In the evening Sheilah made some really nice chicken and rice food which we enjoyed with some bubble wine. Totally relaxing and I was positive that I had found my new right home and the luckiest sailor in the harbor! I came down here trusting my destiny and I must say I am a 100% satisfied!!!
I fell asleep already around 23.00 and was surprised how quite it actually was in the front – no noises from bin collectors, dogs, shouting people, televisions, etc.. just slowly bit of rocking and something in the distance… which could also have been a “noisy” dream;)

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